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How to choose your parts
In order to build your PC you first need to choose what parts you want, first you need to know what those parts are called and what they do. We will list and give a simple description of what each component does.
Andrew Johnson
5/8/20241 min read
A list of every component you need to play video games
CPU: short for Central Processing Unit
A central processing unit is the main component of a computer that processes and performs operations to run the operating system and its applications. It is often referred to as the "brain" of the computer.
A computer can run and do normal tasks such as use Google and watch YouTube, read the news, and send emails with only a CPU and no GPU
When choosing a CPU these are the main points to consider:
More cores = better
More threads = better
GPU: short for Graphics Processing Unit
A graphics processing unit performs mathematical calculations to render graphics, images, and video. Better graphic cards will allow you to generate more frames in the same amount of time. This is referred to as FPS or frames per second. The more frames per second, the smoother your game will look. Cards will also have different sizes of VRAM available such as 8GB, 12GB, 16GB but this can be hard to follow so NVIDIA and AMD organize their cards by generation and then by tier.
NVIDIA GPUs go first by generation so 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 being the current generation and the last two numbers being the tier of the card starting at 50 then 60, 70, 80, 90
More cores, higher clock speed and VRAM storage = better
A printed circuit board that connects all the other components and allows them to communicate with each other
RAM: short for Random Access Memory
PSU: short for Power Supply Unit
OS: short for Operating system